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GRE Top Picks

Bigger Pockets

The ultimate place to network with similar minded investors in real estate and connect with private lenders, real estate agents, contractors, and more. There YouTube channel is filled with great content and they also have a podcast. Highly recommend joining!

BP Top Picks
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Dayton, OH

Market Report

Want to learn more about Dayton, Ohio, and why it is an awesome market for buy and hold investors? Download the FREE Market Report for more information, stats and sample deals!

Dayton Mkt Rp Top Picks

RIch Dad

Poor Dad

April 2017 marked 20 years since Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad first made waves in the Personal Finance arena. It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world. This is a MUST READ for any buy and hold real estate investor.

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Rich Dad Top Picks
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CIncinnati, OH

Market Report

Want to learn more about Dayton, Ohio, and why it is an awesome market for buy and hold investors? Download the FREE Market Report for more information, stats and sample deals!

Cincy Mkt Rpt Top Picks


Ryan Serhant is a personal favorite of owner, Eric Jones. He is a multi-billion dollar producting real estate broker in New York city, has multiple YouTube channels and shows, is the star of Bravo's Million Dollar Listing New York and recently opened his own brokerage, Serhant. His YouTube channel is filled with informational and motivational content and he even has his own book which Eric has read multiple times. Check him out. He's a real guy doing great things.

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Ryan Serhant Top Picks
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The Millionaire Real Estate Investor

This book covers it all. If you are new to buy and hold investing, this is a great starting book to understand the process, how you make money on your investment, and what players you need to know to be successful. If you're interested in flipping, this book also touches on how to make money doing that too. 

Millionaire RE Investor Top Picks

Darren Daily


Daily Mentoring with Darren Hardy

If you're looking for a way to kick start your motivation and your drive every day, look no further. Darren Daily, by renowned Darren Hardy, is the go-to subscription. It's FREE and it's in your inbox every single Monday thru Friday. They're between 2 and 10 minute videos with great messages and thought provoking ways to engineer your day for professional (and personal) success.

Darren Daily Top Picks
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